A Day of Solace in Bologna

Embracing the Ebb and Flow of Emotions

Bologna's sky

Bologna’s Sky between lines and airplanes

There is always a time and a space, proper ones.
And proper times and spaces to miss the chances
to discover what’s on the other side.

Sometimes we just don’t feel okay. For all the times we hide things from others and especially from ourselves, there are times when they emerge and demand to be faced. We can’t always have bright days. I had a pretty dark one recently.

Somehow, when you find yourself surrounded by darkness, what you have seems enlightened. I am so fortunate to have beautiful people around me. I feel lucky to still be able to see the good and to fall in love with life every day.

One of the things that relieves me from sadness is art. The other day, while walking to breathe, I found myself in front of the door of the beautiful library I’ve always wanted to visit, Mirabilia. This magical place, which absolutely fulfilled my expectations, also hosted Roger Olmos’ exhibition “Cosimo.”

Discovering Roger Olmos' "Cosimo"

As always, I managed to capture one or two pictures for you. I also bought his lovely book “Amigos,” as I adore bunnies, and you might imagine how much I appreciate that book. I was captivated by his exhibition; he is so talented. I love how he conveys his message through detail, without even using words. Simple as that.

A Recommendation for Art Lovers

Pink rabbits running with a kind on green grass, illustration from "Amigos" by Roger Olmos

An amazing picture from the book “Amigos” by Roger Olmos

If you happen to be in Bologna, the finissage of his exhibition on the 31st of January is a must-see. Art is what can save us; it's our way to communicate what we can’t describe, to find relief without speaking. Art will save the world.


Artefiera 2018 in Bologna: A Confluence of Art and Time


An Artistic Milestone in Florence: "Within, White Out”