Discovering Humanity in "Will Happiness Find Me?" by Fischli & Weiss

"Is everything I have ever forgotten as big as a house?" a page from the book

One of my favorite pages of the book

Exploring the Human Mind through Literature

The cover of "Will happines find me?" book

The cover of this tiny but dense book

Exploring the depths of our minds is often more intriguing than what we create. It's a journey into understanding how one's life shapes who they become. I've always been a curious soul, eager to learn about everything from the mechanics of the world to the diverse thoughts and lives of others.

Books, those captivating objects that keep us awake at night, are treasure troves of such knowledge. Hence, I'm introducing a new column to discuss these fascinating books, starting with a small, black and white gem that caught my eye.

The Universal Appeal of "Will Happiness Find Me?"

"Will Happiness Find Me?" is a collection of random thoughts, ranging from humorous and nonsensical to profoundly deep. As you turn each page, you delve into the author's mind, contemplating life and time through their handwritten sentences. It's a universal journey, transcending location, occupation, or gender.

The Emotional Journey of Reading this book

Reading this book, I experienced laughter, sadness, and moments of emptiness, but overall, it reinforced my sense of shared humanity. It's a book that helped me accept myself, and I'm eager to share this experience with you.

You can find this book on Amazon.

If you're familiar with this book or decide to read it after this post, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!



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