Poster design

Step into a world of diverse poster designs, where each creation is a journey from bold, imaginative concepts to visually compelling themes. Discover a portfolio that reflects a passion for storytelling through graphic design and a dedication to awareness. Keep scrolling to see the various projects, themes and exhibitions I took part to.

Five posters designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Cheap Festival | Fragment/Unity

My artwork for CHEAP Call For Artist 2018: Fragment/Unit.
Selected on may 15th. Exhibited in via Ugo Bassi (Bologna).

While conformism is now the ordinary, we feel unique as never before. At the same time, a feeling of hate and violence is getting stronger, pushing our need to feel part of the human kind again, to find a greater love, to hold hands without fear. 

Cheap Festival 2018 poster designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Cheap Festival | Doing Something

My artwork for CHEAP Call For Artist 2019: Sabotage.
Selected on June 10th. Exhibited in viale Masini (Bologna).

Doing something, is better than doing nothing.

Cheap Festival 2019 poster designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Cheap Festival | Reclaim

My artwork for CHEAP Call For Artist 2020: Reclaim.
Selected on July 10th. Exhibited in Bologna.

After COVID, what I wanted to reclaim was the two things I felt jeopardized the most: Trust and Hope. After that year, to me, they were as little and fragile as two defenseless kids. Two feelings that seemed belonging only to the past, as the image I used for the poster.

Cheap Festival 2020 poster designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Renner Festival: Red | Get Wise

My artwork for Renner Contemporary Art Prize.

We wake up, we get up and we try to understand how to survive. We look in the mirror and we ask ourselves how to win today's problems to reach a better tomorrow. This is how from hunted we become hunters, to deceive faith and ourselves, to believe more. This illustration represents that feeling of alert that lives in us, that pushes us to face the future Get wise but also become wiser, because everyday means to grow up and learn.

ARCI Gay “A zero pregiudizi” contest

Vite di ogni genere | Life of any kind / Gender

The title is a word game: in Italian the word "gender" is the same as Kind.

My poster for ARCI contest "A zero pregiudizi" (Zero prejudice) - Mentioned for the "strong modernity of the message". ARCI means  Associazione ricreativa e culturale italiana, meaning cultural and recreational Italian association.

If you think you can recognize the gender of the people attached to this arms you are a victim of the stereotypes. Just stop it.

ARCI Gay Contest "A Zero Pregiudizi" poster designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Awarded as jury’s special mention

Un manifesto per Genova

"Un manifesto per Genova" is a fundraising project initiated after the Morandi Bridge tragedy.

This is my manifesto that has been sold and the proceeds used to help the affected families.

My concept:

"The warm colors, the sea, the lively city center. This is what comes to mind when I think of Genoa. Unfortunately, after the recent events, a somber image has been added: the destroyed bridge, the everyday life that collapsed with it. Yet, the warmth of the city has emerged again. Genoa has shown remarkable strength. That's why I have depicted life continuing, the warmth, the closeness. The difficulty and pain are out of the scene, they were not allowed to remain. The bridge and all its heavy repercussions have collapsed upon them, but Genoa did not let itself be brought down."

"Un mare di gente" poster designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Cottonfioc Festival: Crepe

My poster for Cottonfioc Festival Call to Artists 2020

What is a crack if not a void to be filled.
And what are we, if not empty spaces where to put information, input, knowledge. A crack is a space and we are space. Like small receptacles of experiences that are filled constantly, changing our perception of reality. Everything fill us, time passing, curiosity, confrontation.

Creative Explosion

My poster for Threefaces’ exhibition at the C4 space opening.

I designed this to represent the creativity explosion (theme of the opening) in the mind of everyone that does a creative job. Creativity comes at you during the weirdest moments, exactly when you’re not expecting it.

A girl holding a pencil while her head explodes - Poster designed for Threefaces

Copula Mundi Festival 2019: Diversity

My poster for Copula Mundi 2019 and my Exhibition with Threefaces.

Everyone has a universe inside. Everyone has a story different from yours. Everyone is worth of respect, besides their background or appearance. This was my interpretation of the word “Diversity”, theme of the festival.

"Copula Mundi 2019" poster designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

Live Sketching (online) for The Social Hub

During COVID every artistic activity was blocked since we couldn’t go outside.

That’s when The Social Hub Florence decided to run a set of live sketching + djset sessions every week where people could join for free and enjoy an art-event together.

This is the poster I made when I was invited as guest.

A girl holding the moon on a yellow background designed by Chiara Chimù Mulas

This is for who you always wanted to be

A personal project, followed by a series of smaller pictures that were exhibited in Florence in 2018. The art exhibition was named “Within, white out” and was hosted by Contesta Rock Hair and by Threefaces in two different moments and places the same year.

This project was a reminder of our self-worth. We always have so many thing going on, we often forget who we are and what we can do. Don’t let other people’s judgements overwhelm you, remember who you are, where you want to be and how far you’ve gone.

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We Left the Camp Singing


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