Designing a Greener and sustainable Future

The three limited edition covers I designed for MOYU

At MOYU, young company that produces stone paper notebooks, my passion for the environment and sustainability meets my love for design. It’s a role that resonates deeply with my care for our planet and allows me to infuse eco-friendly creativity into every project.

Diverse Design Responsibilities

Not only cover design, my role at MOYU is widely multifaceted.

From visuals for the website to advertising content. From organic social media posts to email design. From cover design to Event and corporate materials like presentations and event decks.

Everyday, my job is to create visuals that reflect our brand's green philosophy.

Some examples of organic posts for LinkedIn

Some examples of organic posts for Instagram

My Doodles Serving the Planet

As an illustrator at MOYU I get to incorporate playful doodles into our designs. These illustrations add a personal touch and embody the spirit of our brand – innovative, approachable, and always mindful of our environmental footprint. Through my illustrations, I aim to tell stories that resonate with our audience and bring our sustainable vision to life.

A Green Christmas (literally)

For the Christmas campaign I had the joy of designing the entire illustrated packaging.

I loved to create this illustrations set that got into the boxes, flyers, postcards and website. Our products to me, they really are the perfect sustainable Christmas gifts!

MOYU Christmas boxes with doodles

Year: 2023 - Ongoing
Where: Amsterdam
Type: Graphic and visual designer / Illustrator

Need a Fresh Visual Approach?

I’m here to help your brand tell its story


La Brac - Restaurant and Book Shop


Terra! - Recording Studio